Brighton Perfume
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- Brighton Perfume
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- www.brightonperfume.co.uk
More about Brighton Perfume
Brighton Perfumery is a window into a real vegan perfumery existing in an open kitchen blending, atomising and symbiosing small-batch natural fragrance.
Our symbolism, scent and style are driven by the two golden ages of perfume; The intoxicating 1920’s and the post hippy 1970 fantasies.
The later eras of mass consumerism along with the awareness of animal cruelty has left a ‘thinness’ of aroma and invention, the celebuscent safe synthesis of one fragrance for all.
Contact information
Website: www.brightonperfume.co.uk
Email: [email protected]
Telephone: 01273004121
Connect & follow Brighton Perfume
- Are all the products your entity (business, brand, organisation) produces and/or retails suitable for vegans? If no, then, unfortunately, you cannot register as we only accept submissions from 100% vegan entities.
- Which of the following best describes you (professionals and sole traders) or your organisation?
Plant based
- Is your organisation an independent business/brand or a corporate owned business/brand?
- Are you a Grassroots organisation (for projects, charities/NGOs)?
- Are you a BAME (Black, Asian & Minority Ethnic) owned/run business/organisation?
- What type of business/organisation are you?
Sole trader
- Are you a woman-owned/run business/organisation?
Social, Economic and Environmental Justice
- Which social, economic or environmental justice causes does your entity (business, brand, organisation) support or promote (e.g. through social media posts, donations, attending protests and other direct actions etc.)?
Animal rights
Climate justice
Economic justice
Environmental justice
- What do you do to support or promote each of the causes you have identified?
Complete end to end ingredient and packaging ethos
- Does your business/organisation have policies and practices which actively promote diversity and inclusion?
- Is your business a member of the World Fair Trade Organisation?
- Do any of the products you produce and/or retail, or ingredients you use, have fairtrade certifications?
Many (one to two thirds)
- Do you source products and/or ingredients from companies and suppliers that support fair labour practices?
Environment and Sustainability
- If any of the products you produce and/or retail, or ingredients you use, have a sustainable production certification, please indicate which certifications apply?
Rainforest Alliance certified
Other certification
- Overall, how many of the products that you produce and/or retail, or ingredients you use, are certified by the sustainable production certifications listed in the question above?
Some (less than a third)
- Are any of the products that you produce and/or retail, or ingredients you use, produced using sustainable production methods albeit uncertified?
- Are any of the products that you produce and/or retail, or ingredients you use, free of palm oil?
- Do you reuse, recycle and/or donate any waste products (e.g. food, plastics, packaging etc.)?
- Do you only use recycled or recyclable materials for packaging?
- Is all of your packaging biodegradable?
- Does your business, organisation or project follow a zero waste philosophy?
Energy, Transport and Distribution
- How many of the products you produce and/or retail, and/or the ingredients you use, are made in the country in which your entity (business, organisation) is based?
Some (less than a third)
Giving Back
- Does your business support or give back to the local community in any way?
Ethical Banking
- Does your business/organisation use an ethical bank or building society?
What was the motivation behind your project? What did you want to change in the world?
The 1920's and 1970's were the golden ages of perfumery with the most amount of progression and innovation. However, the perfume elixirs were very animal based with a high degree of suffering and cruelty. I wanted to design a system to make these bombastic heady elixirs with only plants.
Who is the team behind your project?
My two alter-egos - Pao Pincerna who designs the perfume elixirs. And 'TopHatBrighton' who designs the imagery and packaging. Also, we have 'The Qwarks' who are a local Brighton band who writes all our Jingles for our adverts.
What one thing about your project would most surprise us?
We are completely oil-based; We make using a Persian process so without any alcohol or fixatives.
FUN FACT: We are the only Perfumery with our own house band 'The Qwarks' who write all our advertising jingles and perfume at our event.
If your project could be granted one wish, what would you wish for?
To change the world of perfumery back to a traditional distillation and clarification process so animal products or by-products are no longer required.
Is there anything else that you would like to share with us about your project?
We have modified a piece of high tech lab equipment to spin and distil the perfume elixir in a natural way without a fermentation process. The freshest most vibrant perfumes on the market evaporated and spun in 'The Attarator'.