Chris Bryant Creative Design
- Company
- Chris Bryant Creative Design
- Website
- www.chrisbryantcreativedesign.com
More about Chris Bryant Creative Design
Freelance graphic designer specialising in developing and establishing brand identity and visual communication.
Key information
Graphics design, web design
Contact information
Website: www.chrisbryantcreativedesign.com
Email: [email protected]
Telephone: 07857396866
Mobile: 07857396866
Wheelchair access: No
Wheelchair accessible toilet: No
Connect & follow Chris Bryant Creative Design
- Are all the products your entity (business, brand, organisation) produces and/or retails suitable for vegans? If no, then, unfortunately, you cannot register as we only accept submissions from 100% vegan entities.
- Which of the following best describes you (professionals and sole traders) or your organisation?
- Is your organisation an independent business/brand or a corporate owned business/brand?
- Are you a Grassroots organisation (for projects, charities/NGOs)?
- What type of business/organisation are you?
Sole trader
- Are you a woman-owned/run business/organisation?
Social, Economic and Environmental Justice
- Which social, economic or environmental justice causes does your entity (business, brand, organisation) support or promote (e.g. through social media posts, donations, attending protests and other direct actions etc.)?
Animal rights
Climate justice
Economic justice
Environmental justice
Feminism and gender justice
Food justice
Global justice
Refugee and asylum justice
LGBTQIA justice
Palestinian solidarity
Prison abolition
Racial justice
- Does your business/organisation have an ethical labour policy or code of practice (either formal or informal) which ensures fair labour practices?
- Does your business/organisation have policies and practices which actively promote diversity and inclusion?
Environment and Sustainability
- Overall, how many of the products that you produce and/or retail, or ingredients you use, are certified by the sustainable production certifications listed in the question above?
- Does your business, organisation or project follow a zero waste philosophy?
What was the motivation behind your project? What did you want to change in the world?
The visual identity of ethical and sustainable brands and businesses can lack substance. They are often done by students and inexperienced designers. As a design based educator, and freelance designer I hope to refine the visual identity of brands and companies which align with my own values.
Who is the team behind your project?
Just me.
What one thing about your project would most surprise us?
I guess the fact that I'm a teacher full time around my design work.
If your project could be granted one wish, what would you wish for?
To influence the majority of people, through visual cues to live a more environmentally aware existence and establish a more sustainable culture.
Is there anything else that you would like to share with us about your project?
@chrisbryantcreativedesign is my Instagram tag.