My Ideal Orange

My Ideal Orange

My Ideal Orange

More about My Ideal Orange

My training is a lifetime experience of working with people, teaching, training and coaching. My methods include training in NLP, Person centred counselling, transactional analysis, CBT and animal assisted therapy in counselling.

Key information

My working days usually start at 11:00 and my last appointment 6pm.
Everyone is welcome to come and see if my style and surroundings are suitable for them.
Your animals are most welcome to accompany you in your therapy sessions, I do have many rescue animal companions living here.

Contact information

Email: [email protected]

Telephone: 07971213493

Mobile: 079712133


Jubilee Cottage Stone Lane
Sutterton Boston
PE20 2JZ
United Kingdom


Wheelchair access: Yes

Wheelchair accessible toilet: No


Which of the following best describes you (professionals and sole traders) or your organisation?



Is your organisation an independent business/brand or a corporate owned business/brand?


Are you a BAME (Black, Asian & Minority Ethnic) owned/run business/organisation?


What type of business/organisation are you?

Sole trader

Are you a woman-owned/run business/organisation?


Social, Economic and Environmental Justice

Which social, economic or environmental justice causes does your entity (business, brand, organisation) support or promote (e.g. through social media posts, donations, attending protests and other direct actions etc.)?

Animal rights


LGBTQIA justice

What do you do to support or promote each of the causes you have identified?

Share my views, encourage others to share theirs.

Is your business a member of the World Fair Trade Organisation?


Do you source products and/or ingredients from companies and suppliers that support fair labour practices?

As much as possible

Environment and Sustainability

Do you reuse, recycle and/or donate any waste products (e.g. food, plastics, packaging etc.)?


Giving Back

Does your business support or give back to the local community in any way?


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