New Hope Animal Rescue
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- New Hope Animal Rescue
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- www.newhopeanimalrescue.co.uk
More about New Hope Animal Rescue
New Hope began as a rescue dedicated to saving animals on death row or those in immediate danger due to medical or behavioural issues.
As the years went by, we found we had become a sanctuary to other animals such as chickens, turkeys and pigs. Our ever-expanding sanctuary forced us to relocate from London to a 12-acre farm in Kent!
After selling our property, sticking with our full-time jobs, and, most importantly, our supporters' amazing generosity, we were able to purchase the land needed to open our doors to the many farm animals needing sanctuary.
We are now home to pigs, cows, horses, birds of all shapes and sizes, goats, sheep, llamas, fish, dogs, cats, guinea pigs, and rabbits - we do our best not to turn any species away. We also have a soft release pen for orphaned foxes and assist in many wildlife rescues too.
Although we have moved and a lot of hard work goes into looking after the farm and our other permanent residents, we continue to work tirelessly, saving death row animals and working hard to find them places in other rescues. We occasionally rehome those that we consider rehomeable but concentrate on being the middleman between immediate danger and rescue spaces. We care for animals in our own homes, foster homes or private boarding kennels, where we often have to keep many of the death row dogs.
New Hope is limited by space, fosterer’s availability & financial help. We rely on donations to help keep saving lives.
Our vet bills are massive, as we endeavour to help any animal that needs help, whatever the costs might amount to, and have seen vet bills run into thousands of pounds during the course of a year.
We work alongside many people, including fellow rescuers who offer placements to desperate animals, donations of money, animal food, bedding, animal housing, fostering, adopting, transporting or cross-posting etc.
Animals that are considered not to be suitable to be rehomed or animals that have not been able to find a home, whether because of medical conditions or behavioural issues, remain under the care of New Hope or are placed in other non-destruct organisations.
Animals with special requirements are not destroyed as these are the very animals New Hope strives to help. They live with Niall (New Hope's founder) and other members of New Hope permanently. Many are found sanctuary homes for a lifetime of happiness and understanding of the particular animal’s needs.
New Hope concentrates on death row animals from pounds, vets & those who have been injured, including wildlife. We rarely take animals in from the public unless the circumstances are extreme. Please bear this in mind if contacting New Hope. We will strive to help place healthy unwanted animals into other rescues if the situation is urgent.
Key information
We are normally contactable 24/7, but it must be borne in mind that the core members of New Hope all work at other paid jobs too. We get back to people as soon as possible.
We are not open to the public as we don't have the set-up and would not want our animals used for entertainment purposes anyway.
We occasionally have a fundraising event at the sanctuary or our kennel site, which is always advertised in advance for our followers.
We always need volunteers to help with the animals or the maintenance of our sanctuary.
It's hard work but a great way for people to meet and help our wonderful residents.
Contact information
Website: www.newhopeanimalrescue.co.uk
Email: [email protected]
Connect & follow New Hope Animal Rescue
- Are all the products your entity (business, brand, organisation) produces and/or retails suitable for vegans? If no, then, unfortunately, you cannot register as we only accept submissions from 100% vegan entities.
- Which of the following best describes you (professionals and sole traders) or your organisation?
- Is your organisation an independent business/brand or a corporate owned business/brand?
- Are you a Grassroots organisation (for projects, charities/NGOs)?
- Are you a BAME (Black, Asian & Minority Ethnic) owned/run business/organisation?
- What type of business/organisation are you?
- Are you a woman-owned/run business/organisation?
Social, Economic and Environmental Justice
- Which social, economic or environmental justice causes does your entity (business, brand, organisation) support or promote (e.g. through social media posts, donations, attending protests and other direct actions etc.)?
Animal rights
Climate justice
Environmental justice
- What do you do to support or promote each of the causes you have identified?
Educate on all aspects and the benefits to all of veganism. We also try to break down learned speciesism by sharing info, stories and character traits of many of our residents.
- Does your business/organisation have an ethical labour policy or code of practice (either formal or informal) which ensures fair labour practices?
- Does your business/organisation have policies and practices which actively promote diversity and inclusion?
- Is your business a member of the World Fair Trade Organisation?
- Do you source products and/or ingredients from companies and suppliers that support fair labour practices?
As much as possible
Environment and Sustainability
- If any of the products you produce and/or retail, or ingredients you use, have a sustainable production certification, please indicate which certifications apply?
Certified organic
Rainforest Alliance certified
- Overall, how many of the products that you produce and/or retail, or ingredients you use, are certified by the sustainable production certifications listed in the question above?
Many (one to two thirds)
- Are any of the products that you produce and/or retail, or ingredients you use, produced using sustainable production methods albeit uncertified?
- Are any of the products that you produce and/or retail, or ingredients you use, free of palm oil?
Some (less than a third)
- If any of the products that you produce and/or retail, or ingredients you use, contain palm oil, is it sustainably sourced?
- Do you reuse, recycle and/or donate any waste products (e.g. food, plastics, packaging etc.)?
- Do you only use recycled or recyclable materials for packaging?
- Is all of your packaging biodegradable?
- Does your business, organisation or project follow a zero waste philosophy?
Energy, Transport and Distribution
- How many of the products you produce and/or retail, and/or the ingredients you use, are made in the country in which your entity (business, organisation) is based?
Many (one to two thirds)
Giving Back
- Does your business support or give back to the local community in any way?