Not to Die For
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- Not to Die For
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- nottodiefor.us
More about Not to Die For
We want the future to be 100% vegan, and for us, the best way to predict the future is by creating it, being a proactive part of the change.
Our mission is to do that by facilitating vegans to find cruelty-free trusted products, helping vegan producers to showcase their ethical items while spreading the message for promoting a vegan lifestyle.
We donate 10% of the proceeds to animal sanctuaries.
Contact information
Website: nottodiefor.us
Email: [email protected]
Connect & follow Not to Die For
- Are all the products your entity (business, brand, organisation) produces and/or retails suitable for vegans? If no, then, unfortunately, you cannot register as we only accept submissions from 100% vegan entities.
- Which of the following best describes you (professionals and sole traders) or your organisation?
- Is your organisation an independent business/brand or a corporate owned business/brand?
- Are you a Grassroots organisation (for projects, charities/NGOs)?
- Are you a BAME (Black, Asian & Minority Ethnic) owned/run business/organisation?
- What type of business/organisation are you?
Sole trader
- Are you a woman-owned/run business/organisation?
Social, Economic and Environmental Justice
- Which social, economic or environmental justice causes does your entity (business, brand, organisation) support or promote (e.g. through social media posts, donations, attending protests and other direct actions etc.)?
Animal rights
- What do you do to support or promote each of the causes you have identified?
We believe in an ethical world in which no one is exploited for others benefit. We believe no one has to die for us. We make all products vegan and Cruelty-free
- Does your business/organisation have policies and practices which actively promote diversity and inclusion?
- Is your business a member of the World Fair Trade Organisation?
- Do you source products and/or ingredients from companies and suppliers that support fair labour practices?
Environment and Sustainability
- If any of the products you produce and/or retail, or ingredients you use, have a sustainable production certification, please indicate which certifications apply?
Other certification
- Do you reuse, recycle and/or donate any waste products (e.g. food, plastics, packaging etc.)?
- Do you only use recycled or recyclable materials for packaging?
- Is all of your packaging biodegradable?
- Does your business, organisation or project follow a zero waste philosophy?
Energy, Transport and Distribution
- How many of the products you produce and/or retail, and/or the ingredients you use, are made in the country in which your entity (business, organisation) is based?
Giving Back
- Does your business support or give back to the local community in any way?
What was the motivation behind your project? What did you want to change in the world?
2020 was a turning point in my life. Made me reflect in many aspects of my surroundings, my own privilege and society itself. Within that learning phase, it was clear for me that I had to go vegan for the animals. So I did. Changing food habits was easy for me personally, but finding vegan products I like, as many other vegan might encounter, was hard AF.
Waiting for things to change was never an option for me. I was the one who needed to get things done; being in the right side of history.
How to? Not to Die For.
Who is the team behind your project?
Now it's pretty much me.
What one thing about your project would most surprise us?
Not to Die For products are not only vegan and cruelty-free, but also sustainable.
If your project could be granted one wish, what would you wish for?
We want to make an impact, so the more reach we can have the better.