Peepal Farm

Peepal Farm

Peepal Farm

More about Peepal Farm

We are a group of people with a common goal; to live in a way that we cause minimum harm, and live to do maximum good work. It's our understanding that physical pain is objectively bad. So for us, reducing pain, and nurturing changes that reduce pain is an objective good.

Peepal Farm is a stray animal rescue, a no-till organic farm, and a women-powered small scale social enterprise. It started out as a home that we built with space for injured stray animals to heal & be heard, for people who wanted to help, and for us to be able to organically farm, while reducing our harm. Instead of putting in a swimming pool, we built a cow shed. Instead of media room, we have a clinic. Instead of having master bedrooms, we made rooms for those who want to come here and experience a simple, sustainable and purposeful life.

We started constructing the place on December 9, 2014 in a small village near Dharamsala, Himachal Pradesh and were operational by August 2015.

We started doing good because of our beliefs. Then we learnt it feels great too!

Contact information


Email: [email protected]

Mobile: 9999429144


Peepal Farm, Village VPO Dhanotu
Kangra, Dharamsala
India, Himachal Pradesh


Wheelchair access: No

Wheelchair accessible toilet: No

Connect & follow Peepal Farm


Are all the products your entity (business, brand, organisation) produces and/or retails suitable for vegans? If no, then, unfortunately, you cannot register as we only accept submissions from 100% vegan entities.


Which of the following best describes you (professionals and sole traders) or your organisation?



Is your organisation an independent business/brand or a corporate owned business/brand?


Are you a Grassroots organisation (for projects, charities/NGOs)?


What type of business/organisation are you?

Charity / non-profit

Social, Economic and Environmental Justice

Which social, economic or environmental justice causes does your entity (business, brand, organisation) support or promote (e.g. through social media posts, donations, attending protests and other direct actions etc.)?

Animal rights

Climate justice

Environmental justice


Food justice

Environment and Sustainability

Are any of the products that you produce and/or retail, or ingredients you use, produced using sustainable production methods albeit uncertified?


Giving Back

Does your business support or give back to the local community in any way?


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